Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Intuitive Eater's Holiday Bill of Right

I stumbled across this online, and thought it was very appropriate for the holiday season. With family meals, holiday parties, and an abundance of Christmas cookies, look over these simple, seven rules, and know your rights! It can be hard to fully enjoy the holidays if you are preoccupied with weight or overeating. These should help you keep peace with yourself, and with your food. Feel free to substitute any type of pie for number 7!! (Blueberry...yum.. my favorite!)

1. You have the right to savor your meal, without cajoling or judgment, and without discussion of calories eaten or the amount of exercise needed to burn off said calories.

2. You have the right to enjoy second servings without apology.

3. You have the right to honor your fullness, even if that means saying "no thank you" to dessert or a second helping of food.

4. It is not your responsibility to make someone happy by overeating, even if it took hours to prepare a specialty holiday dish.

5. You have the right to say, "No thank you," without explanation, when offered more food.

6. You have the right to stick to your original answer of "no", even if you are asked multiple times. Just calmly and politely repeat "No, thank you, really."

7. You have the right to eat pumpkin pie for breakfast.


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